

  • 15
  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 江苏省 南通 港闸区 江苏省南通市港闸区国强路31号
  • 姓名: 花吉明
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:食品机械 冷藏保鲜设备 速冻机
  • 发布日期:2016-05-13
  • 阅读量:195
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:1.00 台
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:江苏南通港闸区  
  • 关键词:速冻机


    Contact Plate freezer
    ?	占地范围小,安装操作方便,便于移动
    ?	内外全不锈钢库体,整体高密度聚氨酯发泡,保温效果好,卫生易清洁
    ?	液压升降系统,铝合金平板双面接触,冻结**
    ?	可自配制冷压缩机组,节约投资
    Contact plate freezer can quickly freeze products by moving up and down the inside alluminum plates so that the products exchange heat with two plates.
    Refrigeration system can be equipped as per different requirement of users. It can be used on land or on vessel.
    Main features:
    ?	Designed to fit in limited space requirements. Easy for installing and moving.
    ?	Both sides stainless steel panels. Good insulation and easy for cleaning.
    ?	Hydraulic up and down system and aluminum plates.
    ?	Refrigeration system can be equipped together to save investment.
    产品用途:Application field
    Plate freezer is mainly used for freezing small pack of meat and seafood like fish, shrimp, shell in bulk.
    主要技术参数:Main parameters 
    型号Model	冻结量
    Freezing capacity
    (kg/batch)	平板数量
    No. of plate	平板尺寸
    Size of plate(mm)	层间距
    Tier pitch(mm)	冷煤
    Refrigerant	配机冷量
    Refrigeration capacity(kw)	重量
    (kg)	外形尺寸
    Overall dimension(mm)
    PA-420	420	8	1250×1260	55~100	R717/R22	19	1200	2300×1560×1600
    PA-900	900	10	2000×1260	55~108		37	3100	3300×1900×2900
    PA-1000	1000	11	2000×1260	55~108		40	3200	3300×1900×2900
    PA-1100	1100	12	2000×1260	55~100		43	3300	3300×1900×2900
    PA-1200	1200	13	2000×1260	50~80		46	3400	3300×1900×2900
    PA-1210※	1210	12	1700×1459	55~100		43	3300	3300×1900×3250
    PA-1300	1300	14	2000×1260	55~108		49	4000	3300×1900×3250
    PA-1430※	1430	14	1700×1459	55~108		49	4000	3300×1900×3250
    PA-1936※	1936	12	2100×1620	55~100		56	3900	3300×2060×3250
    PA-1500	1500	16	2000×1260	50~80		56	4200	3300×1900×3250
    PA-2288※	2288	14	2100×1620	55~108		64	5100	3300×2060×3250
    注:1、冻结量计算: 以590×390×70 10kg/盘 鱼盘计,※标记以800×255×65  11kg/盘 鱼盘计
    3、冻结时间大约120~240分钟,视冷冻物品区别 (入料+15℃,出料-18℃中心温度)
    1.The freezing capacity is based on freezing fish. 10kg/tray. Tray size 590mm×390mm×70mm. Those models marked with ※ are 11 kg/tray. Tray size:800mm×255mm×65mm
    2.Refrigeration capacity is based on condensing temp. +35℃ and evaporating temp. -35℃.
    3. Freezing time is about 120~240min. It differs by different products.(Inlet temp. +15℃, outlet temp. -18℃)
    欢迎来到南通星诺冷冻设备有限公司网站, 具体地址是江苏省南通港闸区江苏省南通市港闸区国强路31号,联系人是花吉明。 主要经营主要生产和销售螺旋速冻机、平板速冻机、隧道速冻机、冷风机等食品冷冻加工设备。。 单位注册资金未知。 本公司供应速冻机,冷冻机,螺旋速冻机,平板速冻机,隧道速冻机等产品,将以“**,诚信”为宗旨,向您提供满意的产品,完善的服务。竭诚欢迎您的惠顾。