单螺旋速冻机 Single Drum Spiral Freezer 单螺旋速冻机是在较小的地面空间内冻结大量产品的*冻结装置。冻结量可达250kg/h-3000kg/h. 结构特点: ? 保温结构系统是由不锈钢金属保温板所组成,内部聚氨酯充注发泡。地台225mm厚,*不锈钢连续焊结,不渗水,无沉降 ? 传送网带由SUS304不锈钢所组成,采用高强度不锈钢螺旋**网丝,穿杆端头采用自动化高周波成型技术,运行更加平稳,使用寿命更持久 ? 蒸发器使用工业铝合金材料制作,铝管,铝翅片,管子排布紧密,换热性能好 ? 控制系统控制柜由SUS304不锈钢制成,可根据需要选用继电器,PLC或触摸屏控制 ? 安全装置设有:传送带翻起感应器,网带调节感应器,紧急停止开关,以确保设备安全运行 Single drum spiral freezer is a high efficient freezing system which can freeze large quantity of products in limited place. Freezing capacity is between 250kg/h to 3000kg/h. Main features: ? Stainless steel insulated panel filled with PU foam, 120mm thickness. The insulated floor, 225mm thickness, is welded seamlessly. No leaking and sinking. ? Conveyor belt is made up of special high strength SUS304 spiral mesh. High frequency induction heater is used for rod header forming. Running smoother and lasting longer. ? Aluminum alloy evaporator. Aluminum pipes and fins are densely designed for good heat exchange. ? SUS304 electric control box. It can be controlled by relay,PLC or touch screen. ? Safety device: conveyor belt turn over inductor, belt induction regulator, emergency switch. 产品用途:Application field 螺旋速冻机广泛适用于面包发酵,;冷却应用领域及海产品,面点,肉类产品,家禽产品以及乳制品,冰激凌等食品的单体速冻。 Spiral freezer is widely used for fermenting and cooling bread, freezing seafood, pastry, meat, poultry, ice cream, ect. 主要技术参数:Main parameters (Double drum) 项目Item 型号Model 冻结能力 Freezing capacity(kg/h) 入料温度 Inlet tempreture 出料温度 Outlet tempreture 冻结库内温度 Freezing tempreture 冻结时间 Freezing time 配机冷量 Refrigeration capacity 装机功率Motor power 冷煤 Refrigerant SS-300 300 +50℃ -18℃ -35℃ 15~75 可调 15~75 min adjustable 50 12 R717/R22 SS-400 400 70 16 SS-500 500 20~100可调 20~100 min adjustable 85 18 SS-750 750 135 20 SS-1000 1000 170 25 注:冻结能力以炸鸡块为参照物,配机冷量按+35℃/-42℃工况计; 2、上表所列之标准型号仅供参考,具体按客户要求而出具的报价参数为准; Note: 1. The freezing capacity refers to fried chicken. Refrigeration capacity is based on condensing +35℃ and evaporating temperature -42℃. 2. The standard models listed above are for your reference. It will be designed as per specific request.